Based on clinical insight, E10 has optimized workflow to support caregivers in the bedside scenario. Expect efficient clinical workflow, and reliable operation for both caregivers and patients.
Check and Confirm Quality
Preview ECG waveform on the 5-inch touchscreen to check signal quality before printing which help to save printing paper and confirm waveform quality in time
Smooth Workflow
Auto/Manual/Rhythm work modes
Interface prompts tachycardia and bradycardia
Lead-off detection and alarm
User-friendly Design
Easy-to-use 1-2-3 touchscreen operation is fast and intuitive
Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery,continuous Operating ≥5h ; AC/DC power supply
Report Management
Report formats: PDF PNG JPG XML and ZQECG data export
Workstation supports real-time sampling and analysis . It also can be upload and download reports.
Contact: Cherrie Tsai
Phone: 15871393781
Tel: 15871393781
Add: Room 308, Building 9, Optical Valley Headquarters International, Optical Valley Avenue, Wuhan City, China
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